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A message from Fr John

Posted: 19 January 2021

Good morning - I hope you managed to batten down the hatches before the rain Maintaining the nautical allusion - let’s think about the barque of St Peter ...

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 18 January 2021

We can’t help but be anxious about the next few days in the USA - we pray that all people of faith, especially those in leadership roles, might be united in striving to ‘build bridges not walls’.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 17 January 2021

These days can get long and dreary for all of us, young and old, and we sometimes need the grace of God for a sudden inspiration that will give a glimpse of hope and light

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 16 January 2021

As you can see I have attached today's Pastoral Letter from Bishop John. It covers two important parts of Diocesan life: Caritas and Pastoral Formation.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 14 January 2021

Good morning. I hope you’re well and warm. Someone sent me the following reflection which I think is more than worth sharing:

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 13 January 2021

I was thinking …. We can sometimes allow ourselves to be pulled down by so many different things, especially these days.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 12 January 2021

Again, I’m sorry that we have had to close the churches but the news and advice must lead us to ever greater safety measures for ourselves and each other.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 11 January 2021

I write to you today with a heavy heart. Having taken advice from parishioners and other clergy, I think we must close our churches for the celebration of Mass.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 10 January 2021

The events from USA continue to frighten us - and, probably, the number of people wandering round without masks even more so.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 09 January 2021

Good morning - I hope you’re well A number of people have asked about the churches being open for communal worship in these present times.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 07 January 2021

Good morning - isn’t the snow pretty?

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 06 January 2021

Good morning - cold enough for you? Do your best to stay warm and safe.

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