NewsKeep up to date with news from the parish and wider community.

A message from Fr John

Posted: 12 August 2020

Yesterday’s feast of St Clare and today’s of St Jane Frances de Chantal got me thinking about the role of women with the Church.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 11 August 2020

I came across a lovely little poem which helps one to put these strange times into a brighter context:

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 10 August 2020

Trying to understand the love of God is a lifetime's journey. How is it that the God who creates, calls into being, the great wonder which is our remarkable world can love each one of us - simply, uniquely and wholeheartedly?

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 09 August 2020

Good morning I hope you’re well and staying safe - please continue to wear face masks whenever necessary

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 08 August 2020

It’s in weather like this that one must surely turn to Gerard Manley Hopkins; his poem ‘Pied Beauty’ is so evocative of the wonders of God’s creation and our share in it.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 07 August 2020

Today’s Gospel reading is Matthew 16: 24 - 28 when Jesus says to his disciples, ‘If any one wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross and follow me’.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 06 August 2020

We must continue to pray for the people of Beirut; so many people killed and injured and so many more made homeless - the impact is too horrific to imagine.

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Caritas Vacancies

Posted: 06 August 2020

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 05 August 2020

Such sad news from Lebanon, a country which has seen more than its fair share of sadness for too long. For many years it had been a model of co-existence - Christians and moslems had somehow managed to share power, and the country had been reasonably prosperous.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 04 August 2020

Today is the feast of St John Vianney, the Cure of Ars. He was a parish priest during the revival of the French church after the ravages of the revolution; known for his simplicity and holiness, he is the Patron Saint of diocesan priests.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 03 August 2020

I hope you managed to do some ‘nature observation’ - let us know how it went. For myself I tried digging over a few patch in the garden and mowing a small lawn. My observation ids that cut grass smells wonderful and my back aches.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 02 August 2020

Did you manage to print off The Lord’s Day at Home for delivery to those who can’t get on the email list or use the internet for zoomed Mass - if so, many thanks.

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