NewsKeep up to date with news from the parish and wider community.

A message from Fr John

Posted: 17 April 2020

It was heart warming to hear the clapping and pan clattering last night - let’s hope that the sense of community cohesion will persist long after the immediate impact of this horrendous virus.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 16 April 2020

Another lovely day in lockdown - ah well. These are challenging times for all of us, without doubt. We are generally not accustomed to spending so much time on our own or with a limited group of family members.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 15 April 2020

I hope you are keeping safe and well. I find I can listen to the news only so often - some of the stories are so sad and some so confusing.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 14 April 2020

Our faith in the resurrection of Jesus is our one firm anchor during these troubled times; although it feels as though battle is not yet o’er and hell’s armies have not yet fled, we have something more to hold on to.

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Message from Fr John

Posted: 13 April 2020

Good morning - thank you for our celebration yesterday which was so joyful and dignified. The weather has turned a little cooler - an added incentive to stay home.

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Easter message from Fr John

Posted: 12 April 2020

Happy Easter with much joy and many blessings. I’m sorry that our zoomed Mass collapsed - I don’t know what happened but suspect the whole country was using the internet. I’ll try another route this morning - someone has suggested I try a ‘hot spot’!

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 11 April 2020

Holy Saturday is a quiet day; after the sadness of Good Friday we await the good news of Jesus’ resurrection - that pivotal point in human history when our relationship with God and therefore with each other is redefined.

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Urgent Staffing Resources needed at Bolton Council

Posted: 10 April 2020

As you know, the country is in a national emergency, the likes of which we have never experienced before. Bolton Council urgently requires staff to support our Adult Service Users in the homes and in the Community.

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Good Friday message from Fr John

Posted: 10 April 2020

Thank you to all who were able to join us on Zoom last night - it was a very special way of commemorating the Last Supper and our communion with the Body of Christ. His Body was broken so that we might be made whole - healed and forgiven.

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Maundy Thursday message from Fr John

Posted: 09 April 2020

Good morning - blessings for this great feast of Maundy Thursday, the feast of the great mandate, the command to love and serve one another as Christ himself showed us. The Master goes on his knees to wash the feet of his disciples and in doing overturns the whole notion of who is the servant, of who serves whom.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 08 April 2020

I hope you are keeping well and relatively sane during these hard times. Please let me know if there’s anything we can do to help individuals or families in need.

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The Pope's Holy Week Message

Posted: 08 April 2020

Pope’s Holy Week message: ‘Creativity of love can overcome isolation’

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