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Posted: 08 April 2020

This Holy Week has certainly been unusual but it has seen parishioners around our diocese exercising their personal faith, as we follow Jesus on his journey.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 07 April 2020

Pope Francis urges us not to lose hope during these stormy days. The exposure of our fragility is a moment for us to reassess what is important for us - ‘to get our lives back on track’.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 06 April 2020

This is going to be a very strange Holy Week. We will celebrate the ceremonies as best we can but that vital component of sharing in church is not possible. This is a real test of faith in the hidden mysteries revealed.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 05 April 2020

Such a lovely morning to begin our Holy Week - a week when we would normally see a great deal of each other for our wonderful liturgies.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 04 April 2020

Yesterday was my first day out of quarantine and sadly it was for the funeral of Anne Grant; following government and Church guidelines very few people were in attendance.

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The Lords Day at Home

Posted: 04 April 2020

Many of us are housebound or self-isolating at this time. The Lord’s Day at Home prayers can help us to unite ourselves with the worship of the Universal Church, and your own Parish each week.

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Mass brought to you

Posted: 04 April 2020

In response to the decision that all public Masses are to cease, Redemptorist Publications are delighted to be able to bring the Sunday Holy Mass, celebrated by Fr Denis McBride C.Ss.R. into your home every Sunday.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 03 April 2020

Well I forgot to light my Candle of Hope at 7pm but I was proud to share with the residents of Trinity Crescent and Barnside Avenue at 8pm as they expressed their gratitude for the NHS and all those who are supporting us during these difficult times - however, I didn’t bang a saucepan.

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Let there be light

Posted: 03 April 2020

This beautiful prayer was written by an Italian priest who is self-isolating at the moment and very sadly lost his own brother a few days ago to Covid-19...

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 02 April 2020

We begin today with the sad news that Stella Heath died last night - she and the doctors had struggled long and hard but it became too much for her. Please pray her and her family, Helen, Paula, Andrea and the grandchildren.

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A message from Bishop John

Posted: 02 April 2020

We are living in worrying times. This means that we need to be a Church in a different way - at least for a while. Here, Bishop John shares with you some of the ways he thinks that we all can do this.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 01 April 2020

Our zoomed Mass yesterday seemed to go well enough - despite my technological inadequacies. It was a delight to hear people responding to the prayers and to know that we are all praying for each other.

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