NewsKeep up to date with news from the parish and wider community.

Yesterday was the feast of St Francis

Posted: 03 October 2021

Yesterday was the feast of St Francis whose intercession and example we need more than ever.

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Changing weekend Mass times

Posted: 23 September 2021

As you know weekend Mass times have reverted to 'pre-pandemic' times and locations. Please try to be generous and respect the need to keep distance – we don't want to have to go into 'reverse gear'.

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Tree planting at the Life for a Life Memorial Forest

Posted: 20 September 2021

We had a lovely turn-out for our Service of Creation and planting of the oak tree at Wardley yesterday - thanks to Sr Joan for helping to make it possible.

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Changing weekend Mass times

Posted: 18 September 2021

The response to our consultation has been positive, and so we have removed the red and white tape from the church benches which means that all are available and more people can attend.

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Celebrating the Season of Creation 2021

Posted: 17 September 2021

You are invited to join us this Sunday at 3.00pm at Wardley Cemetery where we will plant a tree in the Life for a Life Memorial Forest in memory of our loved ones and all who have died during this Covid pandemic.

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Help for those seeking sanctuary from Afghanistan

Posted: 24 August 2021

The withdrawal of US and UK troops from Afghanistan has resulted in the rapid recapture of the country by Taliban forces resulting in significant political upheaval, internal displacement within the country towards the Kabul provinces and many leaving Afghanistan seeking refuge and asylum.

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Laudato Si

Posted: 14 August 2021

We are pleased to welcome Dr Emma Gardner to our Masses this weekend. She is a long-time member of the parish and is now working for the Diocese, leading our thinking and action on climate change.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 25 April 2021

Good morning - I hope you’re well. Please remember to pray for vocations and specifically from our parish.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 23 April 2021

Good morning - such glorious weather. It makes one reflect on the unseasonableness of so much of our weather patterns which affect us for sure but have an enormous impact on the poorer countries fo the world.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 22 April 2021

Prayer is interesting isn’t it? Rarely easy, sometimes tough; sometimes directed, sometimes aimless;

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 21 April 2021

Good morning - special prayers today please for a colleague who has a very difficult job to do.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 20 April 2021

There was an item on the radio in which a learned doctor tried to persuade us that having a cold shower was good for our mood and general well-being.

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