NewsKeep up to date with news from the parish and wider community.

A message from Fr John

Posted: 18 March 2021

The rains in Kenya started on Sunday - Mothering Sunday; she trumps Patrick and Joseph this year.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 17 March 2021

Good morning - Happy Feast of St Patrick - one of the great missionaries of these islands

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 14 March 2021

Good morning I thought you might like the following ‘method’ of prayer which is encouraged by St Ignatius

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 13 March 2021

Good morning - I hope you’re keeping well. This middle Sunday of Lent is called Laetare - Rejoice. We can take this opportunity to renew our Lenten commitment whilst giving ourselves a little leeway - just for today.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 12 March 2021

Good morning - gosh, it was wild yesterday. Fingers crossed for today. I thought you might enjoy this little piece from yesterday’s Office of Readings from Tertullian (155 - 2240 AD).

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 11 March 2021

As you know, we will be opening the three churches for Mass this coming weekend. We will also open for Mass during the week.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 10 March 2021

I have just finished a wonderful book 'English Pastoral’ by James Rebanks, a farmer from Matterdale in the Lake District.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 09 March 2021

Good morning - the weather is set to turn, again. But walking round Wardley it’s a real delight to see the daffodils slowly emerging from their slumbers and the blackbirds, male and female, making their presence felt especially in song.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 07 March 2021

Good morning - prayers please for the teachers, staff and pupils at our schools as they tentatively return to school after the difficult mix of school,

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 06 March 2021

Yesterday, Pope Francis met with Ayatollah ai-Sistani, prior to their meeting Cardinal Nichols and Maulana Syed Ali Raza Rizvi (a recognised leader within the Shi’a community of Europe) issued the following statement.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 04 March 2021

Good morning - I hope you’re well. I managed 11,124 steps yesterday - a weekly average of 11,003.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 03 March 2021

Good morning - it looks as though it’s going to get colder. Take care please

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