NewsKeep up to date with news from the parish and wider community.

A message from Fr John

Posted: 16 February 2021

Today, Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, I have adapted a somewhat abridged version of Pope Francis’ Lenten Message.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 15 February 2021

You might want to ’tune in’ to the following sequence of talks and discussions as part of your Lenten prayer and reflection.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 14 February 2021

Good morning - the start of a new week and hopefully a week of at least a little rest for teachers and pupils.

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Pastoral Letter from Bishop John

Posted: 14 February 2021

I certainly had hoped that this letter would not need to be written and that by Lent 2021 we would have returned to free access to our churches ...

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 13 February 2021

We’ll be sending Bishop John’s Pastoral Letter later but in the meantime how about a couple of clerihew’s by WH Auden

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 11 February 2021

Good morning - there’s no let-up in this cold spell, is there?

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 10 February 2021

Good morning - I hope you’re managing to stay reasonably warm.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 09 February 2021

Good morning - We’ve managed to escape the worst of the storm but I hope you’re managing to stay warm.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 08 February 2021

This cold weather is a good excuse for staying in by the fire, even if it’s only in the evening.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 07 February 2021

Following on from yesterday, I was thinking about my own experience of China several years ago.

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 06 February 2021

Good morning - I hope you’re ready for the ‘Beast from the East 2’

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A message from Fr John

Posted: 03 February 2021

Just thinking about the journey inward - ‘soul searching’ - here’s a very thoughtful, even provocative, piece from Roger McGough

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