A message from Fr John

Posted on: 26/03/2020

Dear Friends

I hope you and your families are well and coping with these ever-so strange times - it is a great comfort to know that we are holding each other in prayer. The response to the call for volunteers yesterday was quite amazing. Even in the parish, offers of help have been very generous.
If you have any food that you can spare, we have volunteers who can transport it across the parish or to the food banks. There is a box outside the back door of Christ the King presbytery which will be emptied regularly. I’m still in quarantine waiting for the all clear but - keeping the appropriate distance - volunteers will manage its distribution.

I am still not used to saying Mass on my own - more on that shortly - but yesterday I was more aware than ever that I was not alone. I remembered very clearly where everyone usually sits in church at each Mass and church and pictured every face - I didn’t try to remember names just faces and offered Mass for everyone. There are some advantages to sitting in the same place every week!

We are a strong community, a family - the family of God with one Father, a universal King who is our brother and all share one Spirit. Thanks be to God.

I made some progress with Zoom yesterday and will hopefully learn how to host a meeting. If I do, what would you like. There are various options:
 - we can meet for Mass (which days, what time??)
- we can meet for rosary - what time?
- we could meet for silent prayer
- other options?

Let me or Maureen know your preferences

May St Joseph hold us in his prayer

Every blessing

Fr John

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