A message from Fr John

Posted on: 11/04/2020

Dear Friends

Holy Saturday is a quiet day; after the sadness of Good Friday we await the good news of Jesus’ resurrection - that pivotal point in human history when our relationship with God and therefore with each other is redefined. Nothing can ever be the same - the Son of God who has taken on our condition to its fullest is now our guarantee of God’s eternal and overwhelming love.

In the Creed we say, ‘he descended into hell and on the third day he rose again’. It’s worth pondering that descent which tradition has described as the ‘harrowing of hell’.
There is little scriptural evidence for it and yet it makes sense; there is no part of the human experience from which Jesus excludes himself - even the worst that we can imagine. Even those who feel themselves utterly cut off from God, for whatever reason, are drawn into the plan of salvation.
God is with us now, sharing our sadness, sharing our sense of isolation - ensuring our communion with him and each other.

We pray for all those carers who are working tirelessly for the good of the sick and dying.
We pray for all those those who are sick including Patricia, Evelyn,Steve, Winnie, Mary, Malcolm and Michael.
We pray for all those who have died - Roy, Alf, Stella, Anne, Edward, Mary, Chris, Matthew, Marcia and Emily, and for all who mourn them.

Stay safe and well

Dear St Joseph, pray for us

Every blessing

Fr John

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