A message from Fr John

Posted on: 31/07/2020

Dear Friends

Good morning - warmth at last
I wonder if we might continue to reflect on our journey towards becoming a Laudato Si parish. There are some tremendous ideas on the webpage ourcommonhome.org. There are some video links to a discussion with Bishop John who is the lead Bishop in England and Wales on the environment and the Chair of Cafod. There are also some - a lot - of pages on very practical steps that any parish might consider. I eagerly await your suggestions.
A few different things today - from the diocese and beyond:

Caritas Vacancy 

Hostel Operations Manager 

37 hours per week
SCP20-25 £25,295 - £28,785 per annum
Qualification bar SCP23

Closing date: Friday, 14 August 2020

To apply, please visit the Caritas website www.caritassalford.org.uk for an application pack or contact Rebecca Anderson on 0161 817 2264 or by email r.anderson@caritassalford.org.uk

CAFOD’S Summer Of Hope

CAFOD have just launched their Summer of Hope to encourage support to CAFOD and their Corona Virus emergency appeal from parishes and schools over the summer months by raising money from things that they would have been doing if life was normal, such as attending the school summer fair, sports days, summer holidays etc. CAFOD are trying to encourage people to think about what activities they would usually participate in during this time and consider raising some money out of it for CAFOD. For information, please follow the link. https://cafod.org.uk/Fundraise/School-fundraising/Summer-of-Hope

Message from the National Director of Missio

The last few months have been especially tough for missionaries overseas and the Catholic communities they serve. Churches in areas of poverty and oppression have been particularly hard hit by Covid and the lockdown. The Holy Father’s Covid Emergency Appeal, coordinated by Missio, has raised over £250,000 in England & Wales and has provided immediate and effective relief to those in need in Kenya, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Malawi, Ethiopia, and through the Mill Hill Missionaries in Cameroon, India, Philippines, South Sudan and Pakistan.

During this difficult time for us all, we have made every effort to keep in touch with our 2,500 parish volunteers. Many have been concerned about not being able to collect and empty the Red Boxes. To help them we have put in place some alternative ways to give including through a dedicated donation page at www.missio.org.uk/redbox  To learn more about the difference Missio is making through prayer and charity please see our Impact Report, available on-line missio.org.uk/mission-today or ringing 020 7821 9755. Thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement. Fr Anthony Chantry.

And a little more from ’The boy, the mole …'
The horse said, ‘When the big things feel out of control … focus on what you love under your nose.’
St Joseph, guardian of those who feel lost, pray for us
Every blessing
Fr John

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