A message from Fr John

Posted on: 02/08/2020

Dear Friends

Good morning - another one of those days when it’s not quite sure what to do

Did you manage to print off The Lord’s Day at Home for delivery to those who can’t get on the email list or use the internet for zoomed Mass - if so, many thanks. It’s important to try to keep the community together.

The days do seem to merge into one another don’t they - one day can become much like another. However, today is Sunday - the Lord’s Day. We might have lovely memories of Sunday Lunch - everyone sat round the table for a roast dinner and all that went with it especially dad falling asleep in his chair afterwards while the children washed up before going to see grandparents. And then Benediction. Blessed times for sure - good memories.

Two things for today:
Did you manage to hear the Sunday Programme on Radio 4? Cardinal Peter Turkson spoke about the impact of Covid -19 on the world and the Church. He was very clear about our responsibility and that of political leaders in stemming the spread - well worth a listen on catch up.

Before him was Jonathan Porritt, the environmentalist, speaking about climate change. He quoted Pope Francis and the urgency of responding to the challenge and again, the responsibility of individual and governments to do something about it - fire again in the Amazon, 38◦ in Siberian Arctic and so much more. Laudato Si is such a significant document for the Church and the world; we ignore it at our peril and that of subsequent generations.

But today, being Sunday, we need to take our rest. Maybe we might take some of that time to do a little ’nature observation’ - look, listen, smell and, using a word of St Ignatius, relish all that the good God shares with us. And maybe make a note of it and share it with the rest of us.

Here’s a little prayer to accompany your mediation:
Compassionate and loving God,
you created the world for us all to share,
a world of beauty and plenty.
Create in us a desire to live simply,
so that our lives may reflect your generosity.

Creator God,
You gave us responsibility for the earth, a world of riches and delight.
Create in us a desire to live sustainably, so that those who follow after us
may enjoy the fruits of your creation.

God of peace and justice,
You give us the capacity to change,
to bring about a world that mirrors your wisdom. Create in us a desire to act in solidarity,
so that the pillars of injustice crumble
and those now crushed are set free.


Whilst we enjoy the world around us ...
Can we please remember in our prayers all our parish family, especially those who are part of the frontline, doctors, nurses, carers and essential workers of all kinds:

Joseph, Lisa, Patrick, Chris, Catherine, Anne, Terry, Mark, Theo, Clare, Richard, Anthony, Jane, James, Andrew, Mary, Francis, Ruth, Tony, Sue, Dan, Fiona, Katy. Ian & Bethany - and, of course, we pray for our teachers and school staff who are beginning a much needed break after a very testing time.

Thank you for all you are doing to support he vulnerable and isolated during these times. Please remember our support for the Food Bank - even more essential during these summer months.

I hope you didn’t mind my sending out the little note regarding parish finances - thank you for your generosity.

St Joseph, friend and guardian, pray for us

Every blessing

Fr John

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