A message from Fr John

Posted on: 14/04/2020

Dear Friends

Our faith in the resurrection of Jesus is our one firm anchor during these troubled times; although it feels as though battle is not yet o’er and hell’s armies have not yet fled, we have something more to hold on to. We can say ‘alleluia’ - albeit rather more gently than other times.

Today’s Gospel (John 20: 11 - 18) the meeting of Jesus and Mary of Magdala in the garden, is one of the most tender passages in the whole of scripture. There is a moment of mutual recognition, a meeting of hearts, an ever-so quiet naming of the other but - for these days especially - a maintaining of social distance.
Jesus and Mary need time to adjust to the new realities. However, they both know that this reality has to be shared and so Mary is sent to tell the others.
There is no scriptural evidence to label Mary as a ‘fallen woman’ but this passage reaffirms her status as ancient tradition has it - the Apostle of the Apostles. This Good News is for the whole world and Mary is the first proclaimer.

We continue to pray for all those who are caring for all of us especially those in hospital, hospice and care homes - and, as I hear the bin men outside, I am conscious of those workers we can sometimes take for granted. Our teachers too are working through their holidays looking after the children of key workers. May the Holy Spirit give them strength.
We pray for all who are sick: Patricia, Evelyn, Winnie, Mary, Steve, Patrick and Michael.
We pray for all those who have died: Roy, Alf, Malcolm, Frank, Mary, Matthew, Anne, Stella, Edward, Chris, Marcia, Emily and Kenneth (Armitage). Eternal rest grant unto them and consolation for all those who mourn.

Thank you for your continued support of the food bank - more necessary than ever. Donations can be left at the back door of CTK presbytery.

St Joseph, please pray for us

Every blessing

Fr John

PS sorry for all you Chorley cake lovers but hot buttered toast won - only just!
How about - Horlicks or Ovaltine?

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