Posted on: 13/08/2020
Dear Friends
Good morning. I thought that today we might reflect on Pope Francis’ teaching on the current crises facing humankind. (From ICN)
During his General Audience yesterday, Pope Francis continued his catechesis on the effects of the pandemic in light of Catholic Social Teaching, noting how Covid-19 has highlighted how vulnerable and interconnected everyone is. He said, "If we do not take care of one another, starting with the least, with those who are most impacted, including creation, we cannot heal the world."
The Pope commended the efforts of so many people "who have been offering evidence of human and Christian love for neighbour, dedicating themselves to the sick even at the risk of their own health. However, the coronavirus is not the only disease to be fought, but rather, the pandemic has shed light on the broadest social ills. One of these is a distorted view of the person, a gaze that ignores his or her dignity and relational character."
Pope Francis went on to say that at times others are seen as objects to be "used and discarded." In reality, he said, "this type of gaze blinds and fosters an individualistic and aggressive throw-away culture, which transforms the human being into a consumer good. But if we are guided by faith, we recognise God creates men and women, not as objects, but as people loved and capable of loving, in His image and likeness."
Pope Francis stressed that Jesus proposes a life of service and of giving one's life for others, "and He confirms it by immediately restoring sight to two blind men and making them His disciples. We want to recognise the human dignity in every person, whatever his or her race may be," he said.
The Pope continued on this theme by saying that the Second Vatican Council emphasizes that this dignity is inalienable because it "was created 'to the image of God.'" In modern culture, he pointed out, "the reference closest to the principle of the inalienable dignity of the person is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which Saint John Paul II defined as a 'milestone on the long and difficult path of the human race.'"
While the world awaits a cure to the coronavirus, Pope Francis stressed that "faith exhorts us to commit ourselves seriously and actively to combat indifference in the face of violations of human dignity; faith always requires us to let ourselves be healed and to convert from our individualism, both personal and collective."
May the Lord "restore our sight", the Pope said, "so as to rediscover what it means to be members of the human family.
Please pray for our young people who are awaiting the results of their A Levels. These are stressful at the best of times but these days even more so - their teachers and families will be under so much extra pressure too.
St Joseph, pray for us
Every blessing
Fr John
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