Posted on: 15/04/2020
Dear Friends
I hope you are keeping safe and well. I find I can listen to the news only so often - some of the stories are so sad and some so confusing. Our government and their advisers have some very difficult decisions to make- we pray for the guidance of Holy Wisdom. I occasionally tune in to the BBC World Service to put the UK’s struggles into a wider context.
Today’s Gospel from St Luke (24: 13 - 35) is the story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus - well worth reading and re-reading and, if you are locked down with children, maybe you could act it out. It’s a story that works on so many levels but ultimately it’s about where we meet the Risen Jesus.
We meet him in communion - not just in the Sacrament of the altar but, importantly for these days, the communion we have in shared conversations and the communion we can have at the table. I am grateful for being able to walk the road during our zoomed Masses and the silent conversation of our time of Exposition. Thank you.
We are all grateful to our doctors, nurses and carers - so many of them from overseas. Where would we be without them? So many of our delivery drivers too are immigrants from Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Thank God for them.
We continue to pray for those who are sick: Patricia, Evelyn, Steve, Winnie C., Mary, Patrick, Michael
And for those who have died: Roy, Alf, Malcolm, Frank, Mary, Matthew, Anne, Stella, Edward, Chris, Marcia, Emily, Kenneth, Carol Ann, Inge, Winnie Y., Marjorie, Cecilia - please pray for all those who mourn them.
Dear St Joseph, pray for us
Every blessing
Fr John
PS I think the choice between Horlicks and Ovaltine was a little too challenging
How about - digestives or ginger nuts?
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