A message from Fr John

Posted on: 25/08/2020

Dear Friends

Good morning - I hope you have managed to dry out

Thinking of fishing …

I have one slight confession - I have been known to adopt pagan tactics and fish for trout with worms! No wonder my brother swore at me. However, I have received two responses to yesterday’s email: the first, an invitation to go sea fishing when conditions allow; and the second, this little verse:

Surely Jesus loves fishermen,

for He chose them for His own,

To be with Him and learn from Him

and someday share His home.

It must have been their trust in God

And patience He found rare,

That keeps them very near His heart

and even in His care.

Izaak Walton (1651) was absolutely convinced of that affinity; he notes that the first four apostles were fishermen (Peter, Andrew, James and John); that those who accompanied him to the Transfiguration were fishermen; and that by the end, after the resurrection they were all fishermen by the Sea of Tiberias.

John Buchan (of 39 Steps fame) in his introduction to the 1901 edition of The Compleat Angler says of Walton that at the heart of the work is a sense of the contemplative life.
‘Your good sportsman may often be an idler; but the good angler, who loves the country with a more intimate affection, is frequently the hard-worked and capable man of the world who, in using the talents which God gave him, has still room for other interests in his soul.’

Happy contemplating - if not fishing.

More on fishing tomorrow but for today you might want to go to You Tube and enter Anthony J Bird in the search box. It’s our own Tony Bird. He has downloaded/uploaded some beautiful meditative hymns that will surely help you pray and give thanks.

St Joseph, pray for us

Every blessing

Fr John

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