A message from Fr John

Posted on: 29/08/2020

Dear Friends

God morning - an extra layer on this morning, I think

I have a few responses to some of the questions from last week.

A couple of banner headlines for the parish:

'Here at Holy Trinity we strive to respect, love and cherish our planet and help preserve it for future generations'

'Young or old, single , widowed or divorced, whatever your sexuality, skin colour, bank balance or IQ there is place for you in our parish’

Or simply:

'Everybody welcome’

Any more suggestions?

Two more thoughts from Izaak Walton. The first for anyone with a little time over the Bank Holiday weekend:
‘No life so happy and so pleasant, as the life of a well governed angler; for when the Lawyer is swallowed up with business, and the Statesman is preventing or contriving plots, then we sit on cowslip banks, hear the birds sing, and possess ourselves in as much quietness as these silent streams which we now see glide so quietly by us’

The same can surely be said for gardeners, walkers or any reflecting on the beauty of God’s creation.

Walton was indeed a good Christian, familiar with hymns and the Book of Common Prayer.

Early in the book there is the explanation of the fish - a symbol of Christianity in the early days when the cross was too shameful.
The Greek word for fish is ICTHYS which becomes an anagram for

I - Jesus
C - Christus
Th - God
Y - Son
S - Saviour

There are depths to fishing that even fisher folk don’t always grasp.

Can we please remember in our prayers all our parish family, especially those who are part of the frontline, doctors, nurses, carers and essential workers of all kinds:
Joseph, Lisa, Patrick, Chris, Catherine, Anne, Terry, Mark, Theo, Clare, Richard, Anthony, Jane, James, Andrew, Mary, Francis, Ruth, Tony, Sue, Dan, Fiona, Katy. Ian & Bethany

My brother, Michael, and his wife were retired police officers and I have another brother who is still serving. I also had an uncle who was a senior police officer - which is a way of asking for special prayers for the Police and emergency services this weekend. Their job is difficult at the best of times but during this lockdown it has become doubly so.

Thank you for all you are doing to support the vulnerable and isolated during these times

Thank you for your financial support for the parish - it is much needed and appreciated

St Joseph, pray for us

Every blessing

Fr John

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