A message from Fr John

Posted on: 05/09/2020

Dear Friends

Good morning - I hope you’re well

We’ve been thinking about prayer and the need that we all have to find our quiet, prayerful space within ourselves, that deepening awareness of the love of God which resides in each one of us. I was reminded of a short piece in Donald Nichols book Holiness - he was Director of the Ecumenical Institute at Tantur, on the border between Israel and Palestine. He was a very wise man who handled delicate situations with great sensitivity which could only come from a solid prayer life.

He says, ‘Before ever any of God’s creatures longs for holiness, God himself longs for every single one of his creatures to be holy. The ground of love, as St John says, lies not in our love for God but in his having loved us from the beginning. In other words, at the very centre of the universe is a loving Heart whose longings are the source of our own hearts’ longings. Hence our own longings can never be in vain, because they correspond with reality, with that Heart upon which our universe is centred.’

And following that through with today’s Gospel, we know that those longings, that desire for closeness, are shared and met when ’two or three are gathered’ in the name of the Lord.

As you saw in yesterday’s newsletter, we are slowly beginning to open our churches for the celebration of Mass. I would be grateful if you could pass on the details to those who don’t have access to email or internet. Thank you. If you would like to volunteer to be a steward at any of the Masses please let myself or Maureen know. The training session for all stewards is at Christ the King on Thursday at 7.00pm.

Can we please remember in our prayers all our parish family, especially those who are part of the frontline, doctors, nurses, carers and essential workers of all kinds: Joseph, Lisa, Patrick, Chris, Catherine, Anne, Terry, Mark, Theo, Clare, Richard, Anthony, Jane, James, Andrew, Mary, Francis, Ruth, Tony, Sue, Dan, Fiona, Katy. Ian & Bethany

Just in case ….
The horse said, ‘Always remember you matter, you’re important and you are loved, and you bring to this world things no one else can.’

Enjoy the day

St Joseph, pray for us

Every blessing

Fr John

PS Rosary and Benediction on Zoom at 3.00pm today

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