Dear Friends
Good morning - albeit a rather soggy one
We have had a few days on retreat thinking about our relationship with the God of boundless love and mercy. But as we know, there are so many things to pray for this week - so many people who are struggling with the various aspects of lockdown: the sick, the bereaved, teachers, students particularly those at university.
It’s also the last day of the Season of Creation when we have been reflecting on our relationship with our God-given world. Sir David Attenborough has been so inspirational especially because, whilst fearful, he is still hopeful that we can reverse some of the damage we have inflicted.
I have attached a little article from Sr Joan which she wrote for her community. It helps us to put St Francis’ radical spirituality into our present context and make sense of it in a very practical way.
As we pray for our world, let us also be very specific and remember:
Can we please remember in our prayers all our parish family, especially those who are part of the frontline, doctors, nurses, carers and essential workers of all kinds: Joseph, Lisa, Patrick, Chris, Catherine, Anne, Terry, Mark, Theo, Clare, Richard, Anthony, Jane, James, Andrew, Mary, Francis, Ruth, Tony, Sue, Dan, Fiona, Katy. Ian & Bethany
We remember too the families and friends of Declan (aged 15) and Olivia (aged 24) whose funerals we celebrate this week.
Mass on Zoom today at 11.00am
St Joseph, companion on our journey, pray for us
Every blessing
Fr John