A message from Fr John

Posted on: 29/10/2020

Dear Friends

Good morning - I hope you’re well
Before I forget - Mass today will be at 11.45am - a little earlier than usual because I have a funeral at Peel Green at 1.00pm
Please pray for Susan Bayman and for her family and friends who mourn her.
Reading Morning Prayer in the Breviary yesterday, I was very taken by the hymn (which I must have read countless times). It struck me as being a prayer for these days, conveying as it does that sense of utter dependence on God’s love manifest in so many ways.

Alone with none but thee, my God,
I journey on my way:
what need I fear when thou art near,
O King of night and day?
More safe am I within thy hand
than if a host should round me stand.

My destined time is known to thee,
and death will keep his hour;
did warriors strong around me throng,
they could not stay his power:
No walls of stone can man defend
when thou thy messenger dost send.

My life I yield to thy decree,
and bow to thy control
in peaceful calm, for from thine arm
no power can wrest my soul:
could earthly omens e'er appal
a man that heeds the heavenly call?

The child of God can fear no ill,
his chosen, dread no foe;
we leave our fate with thee, and wait
thy bidding when to go:
'tis not from chance our comfort springs,
thou art our trust, O King of kings. 

(521-597); trans. anonymous, ca. 1915

It is said to have been written by St Columba. The Irish born Columba, (also known as Columcille, Colum, Columbus, Combs, and Columkill) founded no less than 27 monasteries in Ireland by the time he was 25 years of age. In 563, he along with 12 companions crossed the Irish Sea to establish the Iona Abbey. Columba would eventually venture further into Scotland and even the Outer Hebrides in his efforts to spread the Gospel.
St Joseph, companion on our journey, pray for us
Every blessing
Fr John

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