A message from Fr John

Posted on: 31/10/2020

Dear Friends

Good morning 
I really appreciated our coming together for Mass yesterday. The actual number of people attending doesn’t matter because the whole community was with us - thanks be to God. Congratulations!
I came across this poem which might help us shed some light on why this feast is so important
All Saints Day by Roxanne Dubarry

I freely admit I know practically nothing about
this Christian holiday.
It is the special day to honor saints! 
The Catholic Church knows more about
this day than the other denominations! 

Living a pure and holy day is following
in the footsteps of our beloved Lord
and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Jesus set an example when he dwelt among men, 
taught us how to reach out and touch our
fellow humans.

Jesus Christ still calls his faithful
followers and children, saints
'Children learn what they live.'

Jesus Christ said to enter into his
kingdom, we would have to have
the faith of 'little children.'

We honor the Christian martyrs and followers
of the Jewish and Christian faith.
The twelve tribes of Israel, 
and the twelve apostles 
of 'The Lamb of God, who
takes away the sins of the world.'

'We have been redeemed by the blood
of the Lamb, ' we humbly especially
pray for this holy All Saints Day! 

Jesus Christ shed his precious blood
on the Cross of Calvary. All of
his saints can claim the victory
over death and the grave! 

We need to remember the saints, 
which have walked the face of the earth.
They have tried to reform and change
their world. Let us follow in their
faithful footsteps.

Let our light shine amidst the darkness! 
'The light of the world is Jesus! '
Blessed All Saints Day, let us
bow our heads and humbly pray!

Enjoy the Feast - try to share it in whatever way you can with the saints in your ‘bubble’
St Joseph, paramount among all the saints, pray for us
Every blessing
Fr John

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