A message from Fr John

Posted on: 03/11/2020

Dear Friends

Good morning - a little cooler but that’s to be expected.
Our hearts go out to the people of Austria as the come to terms with the horrendous outrage. They will respond with dignity for sure but the hurt will go deep. There have been so many attacks in recent times to which the larger Muslim community have responded with condemnation. Our prayer must be for ‘bridge building’ across all faith communities.
We must also pray for the people of the United States; whatever the result of the election there is obviously a need for greater trust across all the divides which have been so cruelly exposed during recent times. The spirit of the Gospel must prevail now more than ever.
November is the month of the Holy Souls and I came across a lovely little reflection piece by another old friend of mine, David Oakley, the recently ordained Bishop of Northampton. 

"Memory is fundamental to our human experience. During the month of November, we remember those who have gone before us, our loved ones in particular. The month begins with the Solemnity of All Saints, reminding us that we were created for heaven. Our eternal destiny encourages us to persevere as pilgrims of faith, hope and love here in this life. This year, we remember the faithful departed at a particularly challenging time. We call to mind all those who have died in the COVID-19 pandemic throughout the world. As the Body of Christ, we intercede for them and their loved ones. May we be encouraged to visit our local cemetery and to pray with the conviction of hope for those who have died and rest there until Christ returns in glory."

I met with our bereavement support team last night and we decided to go ahead with our annual service of commemoration of all those who have died in the last year on the last Friday evening in November. It will have to be on Zoom so I will send out the details later. Our Novena of Masses for the Holy Souls will begin on. Thursday 19 November.
St Joseph, companion of the dying, pray for us
Every blessing
Fr John
PS I don’t yet know what the implications of our second lockdown might be for our celebration of Mass, but we will be at St Edmund’s this morning at 10.00am. The aftermath of today’s debate in parliament might clarify the situation for us.

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