A message from Fr John

Posted on: 05/11/2020

Dear Friends
Good morning - have you recovered from last night? I don’t think I’ve ever heard such a loud Bonfire Night; the fireworks were a dazzling spectacle but what a noise! It was almost as if they were blasting out a note of defiance as Lockdown 2 takes hold. I couldn’t help but think of the opening line to the Dylan Thomas poem - Do not go gentle into that good night.
Anyway …. Having had chance for a little think, I propose the following
Today - Mass at 5.00pm on Zoom
And then, for this weekend as we recall Armistice Day and following current regulations, I think we can gather in our churches for silent prayer as follows:
12.30pm at Lancashire Martyrs
5.00pm at Christ the King
9.00am at St Edmund’s
11.00 on Zoom
I don’t think we need to book on as last week but it might help our planning if you can let Maureen Hawes know which session you might attend. I’ll include the programme for next week in tomorrow’s newsletter.
This time of lockdown will be very different from the previous one; it’s colder and darker for one thing and the cumulative effect of so much disruption and isolation will be much harder to bear for many people. Let’s look after each other and the neighbours who might appreciate a little acknowledgement.
The heart of the Church is the Mass but even without it we never cease to be the compassionate Body of Christ reaching out to all humankind, especially the most vulnerable. Please take note of the Safeguarding details at the bottom of each Saturday newsletter.
We continue to keep the people of the United States in our prayer; may the Spirit of truth and unity prevail.
St Joseph, model of all who listen to the Call, pray for us
Every blessing
Fr John
PS please pray for the family of Andrew Broadhurst whose funeral we celebrate this morning

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