A message from Fr John

Posted on: 07/11/2020

Dear Friends
Good morning
Thanks be to God the election in the USA seems to have come to a conclusion. It’s obviously not as clear cut as it might have been but we pray that any disputes will be resolved quickly and justly. The new President will have an enormous task; bridges will need to be built and walls pulled down and all citizens must take their full share of responsibility in that great venture. Even we minnows know that relationships matter and at the heart of them lies forgiveness and humility - that’s the heart of the Gospel.
This is even clearer on this Remembrance Sunday when we pray for all those who died during the two world wars and subsequent conflicts. All the great philosophers and our own experience tells us that remembering is a vital component in learning and in helping us to build a vision for the future. The question must be - what kind of world and society do we want to hand on to future generations, our children and grandchildren?
Of course the Mass is our principal way of remembering the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus - and making it REAL now. Unfortunately we can celebrate it in only restricted ways for now, but our longing, our desire, takes us deep into the mystery. That yearning is tinged with sadness at the sense of loss but that surely takes us even further into the grace of hope and therefore of love.
Let us continue to pray for the people of USA during this time of transition; We pray for ourselves that we will use this lockdown as time of reflection and prayer - and of course, of staying safe.
St Joseph, protector of our young people, pray for us
Every Blessing
Fr John

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