A message from Fr John

Posted on: 21/11/2020

Dear Friends
Good morning - the Feast of Christ the King - and extra scoop of ice cream or an extra slice slice of lemon in your G&T
This feast, as the Gospel reminds us is all about love - the love of God on Judgement Day and the love that we share with others especially the poor and excluded.
Abbe Six puts it this way:
'When people are in love they say to one another, ‘I love you’. God, who loves us, never ceases to say to us , ‘I love you’. And he wants us to answer, ‘I love you’. Nothing else.
The apostle John, whom Jesus loved, understood perfectly this mutual prayer of those who love one another. God is so much in love that it is only natural that we should be untiring in answering these loving exclamations.’
Oh for the grace to translate this into love for those people whom no-one else wants, and to concern for our common home which is all too easily disregarded.
Listen carefully to the Bishop’s pastoral letter today - I’ll send it tomorrow if you miss it.
St Joseph, pray for us
Every blessing
Fr John

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