A message from Fr John

Posted on: 30/11/2020

Dear Friends
Good morning - I hope you rested well
Pope Francis will, today, publish his latest book - Let us Dream. It received a very good review in this weekend’s Observer and it is so good that the reviewer said that he read it in one sitting. I’ve ordered my copy via the South American river company. I have had a sight of one of the passages from the the book; a poem from the Pope’s favourite poet whose name I don’t recall. I simply look forward to reading the rest of the book.
When the storm has passed
and the roads are tamed
and we are the survivors
of a collective shipwreck
With tearful heart
And our destiny blessed
we will feel joy
simply for being alive. 
And we’ll give a hug
to the first stranger 
and praise our good luck
that we kept a friend.
And then we’ll remember
all that we lost
and finally learn
everything we never learned.
And we’ll envy no one
for all of us have suffered
and we’ll not be idle
but more compassionate.
We’ll value more what belongs to all 
than what we earned.
We’ll be more generous
and much more committed.
We’ll understand how fragile
it is to be alive.  
We’ll sweat empathy 
for those still with us and those who are gone.
We’ll miss the old man
who asked for a buck in the market
whose name we never knew
who was always at your side.
And maybe the poor old man
was your God in disguise.
But you never asked his name
because you never had the time.
And all will become a miracle.
And all will become a legacy.
And we’ll respect the life,
the life we have gained.
When the storm passes
I ask you Lord, in shame
that you return us better,
as you once dreamed us.
Wonderful - the implications for the Church are challenging to say the least.
In practical terms for this week:
Wednesday Mass on Zoom: 9.00am
This weekend we will probably be able to open our three churches for Mass
Saturday: 12.30pm OLLM; 5.00pm CTK
Sunday: 9.00am SE; 11.00am Zoom
I will confirm later in the week but, in the meantime, could all volunteer stewards please get in touch with Maureen.
Please pray for David Lewis and Brendan Anderson whose funerals we celebrate today
St Jospeh, guardian of our parish, pray for us
Every blessing
Fr John

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