A message from Fr John

Posted on: 01/12/2020

Dear Friends
Good morning - definite change to the temperature these day!
My copy of Pope Francis’ book, Let us Dream, came yesterday. I didn’t get chance to read it al the way through; it’s an amazing little book - an ideal Christmas present if you’re stuck for ideas. I thought I might share some snippets with you.
‘We are born, beloved creatures of our Creator, God of love, into a world that has lived long before us. We belong to God and to one another, and we are part of creation. And from this understanding, grasped by the heart, must flow our love for each other, a love not earned or bought because all we are and have is unearned gift.’
‘One of my hopes for this crisis we are living is that we come back to contact with reality. We need to move from the visual to the real, from the abstract to the concrete, from the adjective to the noun. There are so many real, ‘flesh and blood’ brothers and sisters, people with names and faces, deprived in ways that we have not been able to see, listen to, or recognise because we have been so focused on ourselves. But now some of these blindfolds have fallen away, and we have a chance to see with new eyes.’
And that’s just within the first 17 pages!
I’m sure there is much more for all of us.
St Joseph, pray for us
Every blessing
Fr John

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