A message from Fr John

Posted on: 02/12/2020

Dear Friends
Good morning - let’s hope the weather perks up a bit today.
Advent means so many different things to us, doesn’t it - nativity plays, works’ Christmas nights out, panicking about presents, wanting to build and retain long held family traditions and so on. To say that this year is different is something of an understatement. We’ve been a very long journey which for some people has been tough and very sad; we’ve held each other in prayer in a way that we’ve not been used to;  prayer is the one thing that’s held us together - prayer and a deep concern for our mutual safety. In other words our love for each other has deepened in ways that we couldn’t have imagined.
I think our Advent can be a time for reflecting on love in ever newer ways. Pope Francis in 'Let us Dream' asks us to translate that love into action. He says, ‘God is never indifferent. The essence of God is mercy, which is not just seeing and being moved but responding with action. God knows, feels and comes running out to look for us. He doesn’t just wait. Whenever in the world you see a response that is immediate, close, warm and concerned, offering a response, that’s where God’s Holy Spirit is present.’
Thanks be to God
The MIssion Today calendars have arrived. If you would like one delivering to your home please let me, Catherine Greaves know on 07811644663.
And now for something completely different…… maybe for grandparents to make for their grandchildren.
What do you think?
Dear St Joseph, pray for us
Every blessing
Fr John
PS Another change to Mass time - apologies - Friday Mass will be at 6.00pm on Zoom. I’m furniture moving in the morning!

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