A message from Fr John

Posted on: 31/12/2020

Dear Friends

Good morning - every blessing for this new year.

Today is one of the loveliest of feasts in the Church’s calendar - Mary the Mother of God; it is also an important step as we look towards celebrating the Feast of Epiphany.

Missio (the Red Box etc) have suggested the following reflection for the day:
On this the final day in the Octave of Christmas, we ask Mary, the Mother of God, to intercede for us as we pray for mothers, new and old, around the world. Today's Gospel reminds us of the need for quiet reflection especially at this time of the year

As for Mary, she treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart. Luke 2:16-21


Prayer for the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

Mother Mary,

In you we find the faithfulness, resilience and courage

all mothers need as they watch over their children.

May you inspire them through your example

and lead us to a deeper love for your Son, Jesus,

he who is our Lord for ever


Focus for reflection:

Today our focus is hope; the Octave of Christmas comes to an end but the hope of Christ is everlasting.
And so …. Find a quiet place. Perhaps light a candle. Take a moment to reflect on your hopes for the coming year. How will you share hope with the world? How can you and your faith be a light for others?

St Joseph, foster father of the infant Jesus, pray for us.

I wish you and your families every joy and blessing in the year to come - may we all stay safe and well.

Fr John

PS As far as I understand, churches can remain open for communal worship even in Tier 4, so my next job is to work out the programme for next week. It will be on tomorrow’s newsletter.

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