A message from Fr John

Posted on: 07/01/2021

Dear Friends

Good morning - isn’t the snow pretty?

The news from USA is very disturbing. The prayer of Pope Francis to build bridges not walls is ever more urgent. We pray that the next few weeks will be such a time and not for even more discord. May people of faith reach out to each other in peace, believing and trusting in justice and humility.

CAFOD have produced a lovely little programme for us that might help us, as individuals and families, to have a positive and Christ-like sense of hope and purpose to take us through this coming year. Maybe you could print it off and make it part of your prayer, your diary or your 'over-the-table' discussions. As Wilfred Pickles used to say - Have a go! You never know where it might lead.

St Joseph, beacon of hope and dreams, pray for us

Every blessing

Fr John

PS please pray for for John Byrne whose funeral we celebrate this morning

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