Posted on: 16/01/2021
Dear Friends
Good morning - I hope you’re well.
As you can see I have attached today's Pastoral Letter from Bishop John. It covers two important parts of Diocesan life: Caritas and Pastoral Formation.
Caritas is a vital component of our concern for those who live on the margins especially during these times and it needs all the support we can muster, both spiritual and tangible. Over the next two weeks, you can make your donations using the form below, or by handing your cheques (payable to Caritas Diocese of Salford) in to the presbytery and I will forward them to Caritas - not cash please.
In terms of the second element, so much of our ordinary formation programmes, like the Sacramental Programme and our Journey of Faith, have either slowed down or come to an end. We are missing so much and we we can’t simply wait for the pandemic to finish, whenever that might be, and simply hope to return to the way things were - the Church (our parish) must adapt to the changing realities of fewer priests, declining numbers and greater-than-ever pastoral challenges. So let’s start now, please.
And so … we will have a preliminary meeting on Zoom on Thursday evening which will help us to think about where we are now and to plan the next steps for Holy Trinity parish. We are blessed to have a very active parish with great traditions across all three churches; with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we need to harvest all the talents in our midst.
Let us keep each other in prayer and hope that the vaccination programme will help to slow the progress of the virus - we too must play our part and stay as safe as we can.
St Joseph, guardian of the poor, pray for us
Every blessing
Fr John
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Our Church is constantly in a process of change and conversion. There will be an opportunity for feedback via a google form and a QR Code.Pope Francis asks us all to take a full share in listening and sharing our prayers and ideas.