Posted on: 23/01/2021
Dear Friends
Good morning
Today’s Gospel tells the story of the call of the first disciples from St Mark’s Gospel
Bishop John’s reflection on the passage goes as follows:
'Discipleship has two dimensions. As disciples, we are learning to follow the Lord and to understand what he taught us by his word and example. We grow in our knowledge and understanding of him. But just as important is that sense of discipleship that sends us out to show to others, by our own word and example, what we believe and so we bring Jesus to our world. These two dimensions work and grow together.'
St Joseph, model of patience and perseverance, pray for us
Every blessing
Fr John
The following are the minutes from our meeting on Thursday evening - thanks to all who participated. If you have any further comments, we would be very glad to receive them.
Parish Forum Meeting – 7pm Thursday 21st January 2021
Meeting began with a prayer – about 23 participants on 19 screens
Focus - Looking to the future of the Parish/Diocese
There were already changing patterns in the Diocese before the pandemic and these will continue.
Originally there were 7 parishes and churches with 14 priests in the Worsley/Swinton area. Now there are 2 parishes, 5 churches with just 2 priests and facing the prospect of reducing to 1 priest in the next few years.
During these times, what are we learning about ourselves as a church, a parish and about our lives of prayer?
There is a lot going on already which now needs to be drawn into a coherent vision.
Churches are not as permanent or accessible as we thought. CHURCH IS NOT JUST A BUILDING.
We seem to be more caring eg looking out for the housebound. Maybe always have a weekly Zoom Mass for the housebound.
Use of technology has been a benefit to the parish. Good way of communicating with parishioners.
Zoom Masses are a way of sharing faith together and providing a human connection.
Technology helps us to keep in touch with the vulnerable and include younger families.
Could Eucharist Ministers share a Parish Mass with the housebound when they take Communion to the house bound
Could Parish Mass be streamed so that parishioners can take part at a time that suits them, as the Redemptorist Mass does now. People working shifts might welcome this
Would a specific Youth Mass would be useful? Our Schools could be a means of outreach to younger families
Zoom meetings for Cubs, Scouts and Beavers have had a mixed response. Maybe children have had enough of taking part online with so much school work being presented this way.
We have learned again that we don't need a church building in order to pray. Nor do we need to have Mass to pray, although the Mass and receiving Communion is fundamentally important
Not being able to go to Mass has taken us out of our comfort zone but has made us value the Mass more.
Sunday obligation was discussed.
Possibility of an online retreat for Lent led by Sister Joan
Personal reflection time will be less when we are ‘back to normal’ and attending Mass will be more important – is this a danger?
The SVP and Bereavement Group have grown in the ways they reach out to the isolated. Training and working together has been useful. The support for the Food Bank has been great and working with Churches Together has been very useful.
We've learned to be flexible and that needs to continue eg options of going to Mass and supporting others in prayer
Above all we have learned to be resilient
What do we need to hold on to?
Being part of the community of Church and the importance of people
A way of getting to know people. It provides stability of place and stability of community
Gatherings after Mass bring people together socially
The tradition of 12.30pm Saturday Mass at OLLM which has trebled the numbers
Lots of traditions have already gone. Now we need to look forward to making new traditions.
Traditions need to be of the time. We need to maintain a sense of belonging and cater for everyone including young people. We need to empower people to do other things than just coming to Mass.
Basic Sacramental traditions are important. All Sacraments should be part of the Sacramental Programme. All the Parish including young people need to be involved.
Rather than starting from scratch, we need to look at what is successful in other areas and around the world. Has there been guidance from the Diocese or the Bishop’s Conference?
Other points
We have have made some good progress during this pandemic
Although we have reached out to most of the Parishioners with email and Zoom, it is sad that some are still isolated because they have no access to technology
If there is going to be just one Priest, will there be Deacons to assist? What will their role be?
We could have Eucharistic Services. One priest couldn’t celebrate Mass in each of the churches as often as we have been used to
John Griffin, a Diocesan coordinator, has been invited to join us at the next Parish Forum Meeting in 4 weeks’ time
The meeting ended with a prayer at 8.05pm
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