A message from Fr John

Posted on: 31/01/2021

Dear Friends

Good morning - I hope you had a gentle weekend

Following on from yesterday’s gospel and email, I’ve been thinking and reading.

Jesus was amazing in his capacity to engage with people at the deepest level, driving out all their inhibitions (‘evil spirits’) and opening their hearts to his authority, authenticity and enthusiasm - his true self as sent by the Father.

I’m trying to read Philip Endean’s book on Karl Rahner and Ignatian Spirituality - it’s hard, even without the foot notes!
However, musing on Rahner (probably the greatest Catholic theologian of the 20th century) and St Bonaventure, he echoes something of yesterday’s quote from the saint and pushes it even further.

‘We cannot choose our life according to our pleasure and the demands of our problematic wishes. We must accept ourselves as we are. But when we do this really honestly, courageously and hopefully, we accept God’s own self.’

And so … at the heart of who we are, and all we strive to be, is the presence of the one who loves us absolutely - and who will never ask us to do something for which he will not give us the grace and strength to endure.

St Joseph, companion on our journey, pray for us

Every blessing

Fr John

Please pray for Dorothy Wilde whose funeral we celebrate today. Pray for those who mourn her

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