A message from Fr John

Posted on: 14/02/2021

Dear Friends

Good morning - the start of a new week and hopefully a week of at least a little rest for teachers and pupils.

This week we will celebrate Ash Wednesday but, of course, not in the way we have done ordinarily. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday we normally have our churches packed with parishioners who share our ancient devotions even if they are not regular attenders at weekly Mass.

We will have to do things differently this year. And that can be a good thing if we take the opportunity to think and pray about what it is we really want to celebrate. Cardinal Nichols suggests that as we can’t receive the ashes as an outward sign of our movement towards our Lord, we should concentrate on the inner spiritual movement.

He suggests that we celebrate at home. Bless each other by making the sign of the cross on each other’s forehead as parents traditionally do with their children before going to sleep. Spend some time praying in a way that you know. Make this a prayer of your heart for God’s love on this world struggling to cope with the pandemic and the devastation it is bringing.

He says, ‘Open your hearts to the gift of God’s presence to support, comfort and strengthen you. This year it may be best to do this, not by going to church, but by sharing the prayer, the blessing and this moment of dedication within the love of your family and friends’.

St Joseph, friend and companion, pray for us

Every blessing

Fr John

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