Posted on: 02/03/2021
Dear Friends
Good morning - a lovely cool and fresh spring - Lord knows how long it will last.
We have had a few suggestions regarding the way forward for the parish which we can discuss tomorrow evening.
Four areas of concern have emerged:
- what are we doing for our young people; how can we attract them and get them engaged - Youth Masses have worked in the past but would they do so now?; does any other parish have a blueprint
- ecology outreach and awareness (might this be a way of attracting the younger parishioners?) - responding to the challenge of Laudato Si
- how can we continue to build relationships between parish, school and home
- how can the work of the Bereavement Support team be enhanced
If you have any other suggestions for Thursday’s agenda please let either myself or Maureen have them. Thank you
I was very struck by a few lines in yesterday’s first reading at Mass from the prophet Isaiah
'Learn to do good,
search for justice,
help the oppressed,
be just to the orphan,
plead for the widow.’
We might not use those categories now but the import is the same - reaching out to those in any kind of need. Whatever else we do in Lent, our compassionate outreach is surely at the heart of it.
St Joseph, safeguard of the poor, pray for us
Every blessing
Fr John
Posted: 25 November 2024
Our season of preparation for the great feast begins this week. We shall resume our time for quiet prayer each weekday morning from 6.00 – 7.00am at Christ the King beginning this Monday.
Posted: 30 October 2024
Our Church is constantly in a process of change and conversion. There will be an opportunity for feedback via a google form and a QR Code.Pope Francis asks us all to take a full share in listening and sharing our prayers and ideas.
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Catholics across England and Wales are being called to unite in prayer and compassionate action in opposition to the new Bill on assisted suicide.