Posted on: 03/03/2021
Dear Friends
Good morning - it looks as though it’s going to get colder. Take care please
I think we need to pray for the Holy Father. He’s going to Iraq tomorrow - probably the bravest of all the journeys any Pope has ever made. He wants to encourage the ancient Christian communities there, some of which still use Aramaic, the language of Jesus and the apostles. He also wants to continue to build bridges with the people of Islam - a goal which was dear to the heart of St Francis of Assisi and St Ignatius of Loyola. Pray for the success of the visit and for his safety.
We also need to pray for tonight’s meeting of the Parish Forum to which everyone is welcome. We have had some feedback after the last meeting and it will form the basis of the Agenda. We must do two things I think:
- give thanks for all the blessings we share as a new parish, albeit that lockdown brought certain aspects to a slower pace
- build on our strengths, for sure, but recognise those areas where the Holy Spirit might be calling us to growth with all the challenges that might come our way - my ‘old doctor’ says: there’s no gain without pain!
One little request - if you have any youngsters at home, please try to persuade them to join us either on Zoom (if you’re with them) or by written submission. Our parish needs them.
ONE OF THE ELDERS said: Pray attentively and you will soon straighten out your thoughts.
St Joseph, pray for us
Every blessing
Fr John
Posted: 25 November 2024
Our season of preparation for the great feast begins this week. We shall resume our time for quiet prayer each weekday morning from 6.00 – 7.00am at Christ the King beginning this Monday.
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