A message from Fr John

Posted on: 17/03/2021

Dear Friends

Good morning - Happy Feast of St Patrick - one of the great missionaries of these islands

There is a very telling paragraph in the writings of Pope St Leo the Great, who was Pope at the time of St Patrick.

He says:
'We must show more liberal bounty towards the poor and those who suffer all kinds of affliction in order that many voices give may give thanks to God, and that the relief of those in need may support our fasts. Indeed, no other devotion of the faithful is more pleasing to the Lord than that which is directed towards his poor. Where he finds merciful concern he recognises the reflection of his own kindness.’

If we too want to continue Patrick’s works of mission in these islands then there can be no better way than this.

And thinking of mission … the Mission Today magazines have arrived and are ready for distribution and the Red Boxes ready to pour forth their bounty.

For St Edmund’s and Lancashire Martyrs:
If people could empty boxes and bring donations to church any Sunday, ensuring they enclose their name in the donation, that would be great. But for anyone who is unable to do that, they just need to ring Debbie Shearer on 07999 888 050 and she will gladly arrange to pick up donations.

For Christ the King:
Similarly, Catherine Greaves will leave some magazines at church or you might call her on 07811 644 663 if you need her to visit.

On behalf of Missio and the RED BOXES - thank you

St Joseph and St Patrick, pray for us

Every blessing

Fr John

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