Posted on: 02/05/2020
Dear Friends
There’s a lot of talk and jokes these days about the ‘new normal’ and a lot of hopes expressed about more sensitive ways of working, travel and relationships. Great! Long may it continue but ..... Christians have known this for 2,000 years.
I came across a lovely resurrection prayer by Francis Brienen:
‘When the lonely find friendship, when the hurt find new loving, when the worried find peace, the stone has been rolled away.
‘When we share instead of taking, when we stroke instead of striking, when we join around the table, the stone has been rolled away.’
We are a people not just of hope but of ‘resurrection hope’ - we cannot forget that. The early Church of the Acts of the Apostles faced huge obstacles but within 30 years they had penetrated into the very heart of the greatest empire of the time not through strength of arms or money but by building loving communities based on resurrection conviction. And so.....
We pray for all those who are sick:
Evelyn, Winnie C., Mary, Patrick, Paul & Adela
And for those who have died:
Roy, Alf, Malcolm, Elsie, Matthew, Stella, Chris, Kenneth, Carol Ann, Ingeburg, Winnie Y., Patricia M., Eileen, Maureen, Joan, Frank, Robert, Lynda, Cecilia, Lourdes, John, Michael, Dale, Eileen, Michael, Graham, Maria, Andrew & Gladys
Remembering too all those who mourn them
St Joseph the Worker, pray for us
Every blessing
Fr John
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The Diocese's environment hub, The Laudato Si’ Centre, is delighted to announce a regular gardening club,
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Our season of preparation for the great feast begins this week. We shall resume our time for quiet prayer each weekday morning from 6.00 – 7.00am at Christ the King beginning this Monday.
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Our Church is constantly in a process of change and conversion. There will be an opportunity for feedback via a google form and a QR Code.Pope Francis asks us all to take a full share in listening and sharing our prayers and ideas.