A message from Fr John

Posted on: 06/05/2020

Dear Friends

I’ve always had a great admiration for shop assistants; the way they deal with awkward customers, their patience when dealing with eejits like me who can’t find the right shelf, their capacity to keep working at sometimes very unsocial hours are all quite remarkable. But ... these days they have shown all those qualities in superabundance - all with unfailing courtesy. Bless them.
And bless all those who are striving to ensure that, at the most basic of levels, society can continue to function. We should never take them for granted.

Let us remember again all those from our community who are serving on the front line especially the teachers who are not only caring for the children of essential workers but reaching out to the most vulnerable at home. We are rightly proud of them and constantly grateful.
We remember our key workers:
Joseph, Lisa, Patrick, Chris, Catherine, Anne, Terry, Mark, Andrew, Theo, Clare, Richard, Anthony, Jane, James, Mary, Francis, Ruth

Please pray for Pauline whose funeral we will celebrate today.

I’m not sure if I will write a letter tomorrow; it’s my brother’s funeral and I will be preoccupied. Please keep the family in prayer especially my mother and those who will be unable to attend - these tough times really hit home. But ... the Spirit is with us and the resurrection is real.

There will be no Mass tomorrow but we can gather for exposition at 5.00pm

St Joseph, patron of families, pray for us

Every blessing

Fr John

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