A message from Fr John

Posted on: 13/05/2020

Dear Friends
Parish priests receive all the magazines from the missionary societies but we don’t always read them - sadly. However, with a little more time available I have taken the opportunity to more than scan them. And so over the next few days, I will share some of their insights.
Fr Michael Heap of the Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers), who I think is from this diocese, in his editorial recalls a letter he received from one of their supporters. I’m sure he won’t mind my sharing it. She says:
‘I am 89 now, slowed down, becoming more and more aware of the time going by faster, while hoping I will see whatever God has been wanting me to do, and hoping too, that I will be allowed some time yet to do at least some of it … (recently) I found myself jolted into a deeper level of understanding, joyfully seeing that I wasn’t different from anybody else in being offered that unconditional love: that all that was expected of us is, very simply, to accept it’.
I believe that that lady has understood what Easter is about and has put into perspective the fears, hardships, loss and suffering that so many people are experiencing throughout the world.
Thank you, Michael, and all missionaries for your gentle reminder that the Church’s mission is to serve the world and to remind ll people of that unconditional love.
Music suggestion:
Enya - although modern it is very soothing
Please pray for all those who are sick
Evelyn, Winnie C., Mary Paul, Adela, Sr Kevina, Janet
And for all those who have died:
Fr Peter, Roy, Alf, Malcom, Elsie, Matthew, Stella, Chris, Kenneth, Carol Ann, Ingeburg, Winnie Y., Patricia M., Eileen Maureen, Joan, Frank, Robert, Lynda, Cecilia, Lourdes, John, Michael, Eileen, Dale, Michael, Graham, Maria, Andrew, Gladys, Patrick & Pauline
We remember all those who mourn them.
St Joseph, patron of the sick and dying, pray for us
Every blessing
Fr John
PS don’t forget to listen to the blackbirds

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