A message from Fr John

Posted on: 30/05/2020

Dear Friends

Another beautiful day in Africa - a quote from where? (no prizes)
It’s all too easy for me, and I suppose for most priests, not to give full attention to all the prayers of the Daily Office but every so often …. 
Reading Psalm 106 this morning, I was struck by a couple of verses:
They cried to the Lord in their need
and he rescued them from their distress.
He stilled the storm to a whisper:
All the waves of the sea were hushed.
They rejoiced because of the calm
And he led them to the haven they desired.
Let them thank the Lord for his love,
The wonders he does for his people……
Whoever is wise, let them heed these things
And consider the love of the Lord.
Let’s trust in the Lord and continue praying for each other  - socially distant doesn’t mean spiritually distant.
Masses received recently:
Michael Barton, Jean Murphy, Freda Jones, Emily Louise Jones, Maria Scott, Jean Earnshaw, Alice O’Malley, Michael Hession, Bride Lyons, Brian Christopher Turner, Patricia Sparkes, Adela, John Burke
Masses will be said as soon as possible and any Mass Intentions can be posted through the letter box at Christ the King Presbytery
Please stay safe - and pray for our schools as hey prepare for Monday
St Joseph, guardian of children, pray for us
Every blessing
Fr John

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