A message from Fr John

Posted on: 05/04/2020

Dear Friends

Such a lovely morning to begin our Holy Week - a week when we would normally see a great deal of each other for our wonderful liturgies. It’s not to be like that this year and I suspect that no Holy Week will ever be the same as we carry the memories of this pandemic and all the suffering that people are enduring, particularly those who are mourning the loss of their loved one. And yet ....

Today’s commemoration of Jesus’ descent down the steep hill into Jerusalem is symbolic of his emptying of himself of his equality with God to become one with us and one for us. Today’s second reading from Philippians (2: 6 - 11) speaks of the great power which is unleashed by his self-sacrifice - it is a great prayer of hope for us, knowing that we are never alone no matter what the circumstances. We might reflect on that a little more during Mass.

Might I make a suggestion: during this week could we read chapters 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17 of St John’s Gospel. It covers the time from the Last Supper to Jesus’ arrest but St John seems to make almost like his last will and testament, summing up everything he has been teaching the disciples for the last three years.
I think it could be a powerful way of accompanying each other when other ways are not possible. We might even have a zoomed Gospel discussion???

Please keep up your prayers for Patricia, Evelyn, Roy, Mary, Matthew, Steve and Winnie C. who are poorly.
Pray too for Alf, Stella, Edward, Mary, Chris, Sharon, Marcia and Emily who have died; we pray for all those who mourn them.
We keep in our prayer too all those who are caring for the sick and dying and all those who are supporting us in so many different ways.

Stay well and stay safe

Dear St Joseph strengthen us with your prayer

Every blessing

Fr John

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