A message from Fr John

Posted on: 20/06/2020

Dear Friends
Good morning - a little respite from the rain although I seem to emptying the dehumidifier in my bedroom about five times a day. The surveyor is coming on Monday and will report to the loss adjuster. Fingers crossed.
Having read some of Philip Endean’s stuff yesterday, I went to look for some more of his writing especially on the theme of conversion - probably more relevant now than ever.
He says, "Human beings are embodied beings and social beings…. And so … To talk of a conversion that does not involve a process of social reassessment and change is not to talk about an ‘inauthentic’ or ‘insincere’ conversion but rather to talk nonsense.”
That’s exactly what Jesus was saying to the Pharisees and it’s what Pope Francis says so often in each of his encyclicals.
“There is no conversion to God which is not somehow made manifest in the social and political sphere.”
If we truly want this time of lockdown to be an opportunity for deepening our relationship with God - for conversion - then it must be an opportunity to reassess our relationship with others and with the world of creation. Missionary discipleship encompasses all parts of our lives. Which is why we need to keep praying for each other, for the poor and vulnerable, for our world, for our leaders - remembering that each one of us can make a difference.
A little reminder about our Poetry Evening on Monday: Can you please send details of your poems to Cecelia asap so she can circulate info prior to Monday’s meeting.
Masses received:
Elsie Durkin, Anne Slee, Emily Louise Jones, Freda Jones, Alf Seddon, Barbara Seddon, Eric Lomas, Christine Pierce, Mrs Corrigan
St Joseph, pray for us
Every blessing
Fr John
PS Mass on Monday will be at 5.00pm

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