A message from Fr John

Posted on: 09/07/2020

Dear Friends

Good morning - thankfully it’s warming up a little

For a change this morning, I thought I might share a little poem of hope from Miroslav Holub, a Czech immunologist, who used is science background as a means of interpreting humankind’s relationship with God and the world.


We have
a map of the universe
for microbes,
we have a map of a microbe
for the universe,

We have
a Grand Master of chess
made of electronic circuits.

But above all
we have
the ability
to sort peas,
to cup water in our hands,
to seek
the right screw
under the sofa
for hours

gives us

Let’s pray for all doctors and scientists who are caring for the sick, and with their ‘wings’ searching tirelessly for answers to this pandemic. May the grace of God enable them to ‘fly’, especially as they look for a vaccine.

And may we, in our turn, take the safety of ourselves and others seriously….. And keep each other in prayer

St Joseph pray for us

Every blessing

Fr John

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