Posted on: 19/03/2020
Following the statement from the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales yesterday which has announced a temporary suspension of public worship, we have compiled this list of resources to help parishioners in our diocese through these uncertain times.
Bishop John has shared his reaction to the announcement by calling on us all to use this time to look at our own personal spirituality. You can read his full message here.
Updates and Guidance
Official and updated NHS Guidance can be found on their website.
The Bishops’ Conference website will provide updates on a weekly basis regarding the unfolding situation. You can also keep up to date with their news on Twitter.
Livestreaming of Mass and access to worship
We are regularly updating a list of church opening times for private prayer and Masses which will be livestreamed in our diocese. You can find this list by clicking here.
If you are asked to self isolate or self distance it is important that you follow Public Health advice. If you are unable to attend Mass, you can access livestream videos of Masses online. Three of our churches live stream daily and weekend masses.
Pope Francis and the Vatican have cancelled all public masses. However the Pope’s daily Masses and the Sunday Angelus are being streamed live on the Vatican’s YouTube channel.
The National Shrine of Our Lady at Walsingham is live-streaming all Masses.
Heaven’s Road Catholic Radio broadcasts over 250 live Holy Mass each week from 20 churches in England and Ireland. If you are at home or on-the-move you can watch on your computer, tablet or smart phone. Visit their website and listen to inspiring programmes on the Radio, or Listen Again to over 400+ podcasts.
Liturgy and Prayer
The Liturgical Office have produced Prayers to be used in times of sickness/flu which can be found here. This document contains general prayers for health and also a note about Spiritual Communion and praying during Self-Isolation.
Pray as you go offers a unique opportunity for guided prayer. They have further resources being made available in the coming days and weeks.
You can find a document which will help you to unite yourself with the worship of the Universal Church and your own parish this Sunday. You can download the The Lord’s Day at Home resource by clicking here
Universalis is available free online or as a paid app.
CAFOD have produced downloadable children’s liturgy resources which can be found here. Additionally, CAFOD is hosting a virtual children’s liturgy of the word at 10am on Sunday as a webinar. Parents and children are encouraged to join CAFOD online for prayers and reflection on this Sunday’s Gospel. The liturgy will be led by catechists who would usually be leading children’s liturgy in their parish and will be based on our CAFOD children’s liturgy resources. You can register here.
Lent & The Rededication of England as the Dowry of Mary
Lent in Isolation will provide daily readings, a Homily from a priest and an act of Spiritual Communion. You can find out more on Twitter.
The Jesuits have produced a Lent Retreat for 2020 based on the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola, which can be found here.
Many of you know that the Rededication of England as the Dowry of Mary will take place on 29 March. This Rededication will still take place for individuals due to the personal nature of the commitment being made by Catholics around England. You can find out more about how you can get involved here.
A Facebook support group has been set up by some members of the Spirituality Committee at the Bishop’s Conference of England and Wales. The group – CCC Christ, Covid, Community – is the space to open doors and to allow hearts speak to hearts, sharing journeys through this wilderness, remembering you are not alone. It promotes the Christ-centred solidarity that is stronger than any illness. The group can be found here.
Postcard scheme: During this time the most vulnerable in our society will need more help and support than ever before. If you have people in your parish who want to offer more assistance then please use these postcards. The “helpers” must complete the card and return it to the parish priest who can then distribute the cards the those in the parish who may need assistance. You can download the postcard here.
If you are interested in volunteering or helping reach out to those most vulnerable, Caritas Salford is helping respond to the crisis. Found out how to get involved at their website
This is a rapidly evolving situation and latest updates can be found on the website
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