Feast of the Annunciation

Posted on: 25/03/2020

Dear Friends

What a wonderful feast we celebrate today - the original Mother’s Day.

Mary acceded to God’s invitation to bring his Son into the world, to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in such a way that the relationship between the human and the divine is irrevocably transformed.

There can now never be any separation between God and humanity- in Mary’s ‘yes’ she becomes the ‘God bearer’ - carrying the promise of God’s never-ending love for all of us. (Luke 1: 26 - 38)

No matter how far we might feel we are from God, because of her Yes, God is inextricably united with us.
To hold this close to our hearts these days is essential as we support each other and all those who are caring for people in their homes and in hospital.

Let us keep each other in prayer.

Prayers today for E and P who are still in hospital, and for the family of Joanne whose funeral is at 11.30 this morning at Wardley.

I’m still in quarantine but I’m trying to set up a parish zoom account so that we can stay in touch with each other

If you know of anyone who needs help please let me know on John.dale@dioceseofsalford.org.uk

Every blessing

Fr John

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