Good Friday message from Fr John

Posted on: 10/04/2020

Dear Friends

Thank you to all who were able to join us on Zoom last night - it was a very special way of commemorating the Last Supper and our communion with the Body of Christ. His Body was broken so that we might be made whole - healed and forgiven.

Today takes us further into that mystery as Jesus freely gives his life that we might have life in him; he takes on the human condition to its fullest, even to its ultimate weakness - death. Our Lenten fasts and penances have taken on a different hue these last weeks as we too have become ever more aware of the fragility of life, and ever more dependent on our faith - a faith which strengthens our hope.

I am reminded of another paragraph from Teilhard de Chardin:
‘It is a terrifying thing to have been born: I mean, to find oneself, without having willed it, swept irrevocably along on a torrent of fearful energy which seems as though it wished to destroy everything it carries with it.
What I want, my God, is that by a reversal of forces which you alone can bring about, my terror in the face of the nameless changes destined to renew my being may be turned into an overflowing joy at being transformed into you.’

May our sharing in this solemn feast bring a deep sense of the Lord’s abiding presence in our ongoing struggles at all levels.

We remember in our prayers all the front line staff who are being stretched to the limits by this crisis and responding with boundless generosity - prayers today for care home staff please.

We continue to pray for Patricia, Evelyn, Steve, Mary and Winnie C. who are holding their own. We pray for Roy, Alf, Stella, Anne, Edward, Mary, Chris, Matthew, Marcia & Emily and for all those who mourn them.

We will meet at 3.00pm for the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion and then at 7.00pm for Stations of the Cross. Please remember to turn off your audio and video to enable more people to join us and listen to our readers.

This weekend is also food bank Sunday - thank you

Dear St Joseph, pray for us

Every blessing

Fr John

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