
Posted on: 15/04/2023

As we celebrate life made new in the Risen Christ, it is appropriate to thank all those who contribute, often in hidden and quiet ways, to the life of the parish:

The cleaners; The altar servers
The ‘meeters and greeters’ at each Mass;
The collection counters, bankers and Gift Aid;
Those who decorate and prepare the altars particularly
with flowers;
Those who look after the grounds
The musicians and choir members;
The tea makers;
The ministers of Word and Sacrament;
The FMSJ Sisters;
The UCM;
The staff of the piety stalls;
The St Vincent de Paul Society;
The APF zelators and secretaries;
Caritas and FoodBank volunteers;
The parish safeguarding team;
The Eco-team
The catechists who help with the children’s liturgy on
Sunday morning and on the Sacramental Programme;
The volunteers and coordinators of Trinity Garden;
The leaders of our Brownies, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts
All those who help with parish social events;
And especially, the staff and gov

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