The purpose of the Formation Team is to encourage the faith development of our parish community.
This involves the catechesis of children, young people and adults who attend the churches of Christ the King, St. Edmund's and Our Lady and Lancashire Martyrs.
We support our parish in the following areas:
As a newly created parish, we want to reach out to all the members of our community and help them to feel part of our parish life. We are thinking particularly of those who can be easily overlooked; the elderly, the housebound, the sick (at home or in hospital/care homes), the lonely and those in difficult financial circumstances. We seek to draw in anyone who feels out on the edges of our community, and to make them feel that they belong and have a place with us.
Our outreach also needs to have a wider dimension, beyond our own parish community. Pope Francis reminds us that as Christians we are called to care for the vulnerable of the earth. He specifically mentions the homeless, the addicted, refugees and many others. The outreach work of our parish should link in with other groups such as Cafod, Aid to the Church in Need, Caritas and Missio. We should perhaps strengthen our links with local Christian churches through our membership of Churches Together in Walkden and Little Hulton. In this way, we can look beyond our own immediate church group to reach out to the people around us who have no links with Christianity and beyond them to the wider world.
As we combine our church communities to form one parish, we are fortunate in having two St. Vincent de Paul groups and a UCM group which us a foundation on which to build. The excellent facilities at Our Lady and the Lancashire Martyrs, the Rigby room at St. Edmunds and the newly established dementia friendly garden at Christ the King are all features that will help us towards our goals in the sphere of outreach.
The goal of the liturgy team for the Parish of Holy Trinity, Worsley is to develop the worship and sacramental life of all parishioners so that they are nourished in faith and invited to full participation in the liturgy and prayer life of the church.
Our aim is to lead people to experience an encounter with Jesus Christ.
The liturgy team will work within the guidelines of the church for liturgy to establish a consistent, prayerful, and welcoming liturgy for each of our Parish Masses and Liturgical Devotions.
This includes planning for each of the seasons and feasts of the church year.
Holy Trinity social team are responsible for organising social events. We have lots of ideas of possible events for the future, which we hope will promote the welcoming ethos and friendliness of our parish. We hope to plan events that will bring out 3 churches together and encourage as many members of the congregations to join each other. Although the spiritual gathering of our parish is extremely important we also see social events as another important way to help our new parish to grow together.