Wednesday 13 March 2019 to Wednesday 17 April 2019
Our Lady & the Lancashire Martyrs,
Hallstead Avenue,
Little Hulton,
M38 0DL
Our programme will be on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm at Our Lady and the Lancashire Martyrs beginning on 13th March (Ash Wednesday session will be skipped due to Mass).
There are 3 pillars for Lent: prayer, fasting and almsgiving. We begin each session with a simple supper of soup and bread (fast). Participants can make a donation to support CAFOD (almsgiving). The session will then begin with an opening prayer, a short presentation on a type of prayer used in Ignatian retreats (praying with Scripture, the Examen, centering prayer, ways to make a decision through a process of discernment etc). Then we will divide into groups (there will be a facilitator) to share something that appealed to us while we were praying with the materials for each day. The sessions will end with a closing prayer.
To read more on this event go to our Lent Retreat 2019 page where there is an option to download resource materials.
If you would like to get take part in this retreat contact Peter/Pauline Conroy: 0161 799 6087 or Sr. Joan: 0161 971 7842; joankfmsj@gmail.com